These procedures apply to new vehicles, used vehicles, and to vehicles that are titled in your name in another state that you are titling in Alaska. Vehicles are defined as cars, trucks, utility vehicles, motor homes, motorcycles and trailers. These procedures do not apply to boats.
To be eligible for exemptions and processing, the active duty military member must be an owner or co-owner of the vehicle.
As a non-resident, you are not required to transfer your title or registration to Alaska. You may retain the registration in the state you are a resident of, according to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) - 50 U.S.C. App. §§501-597b1
Be sure to keep your address current with the Division. Address Change
State of Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles
4001 Ingra Street, Suite 101
Anchorage AK 99503
This includes vehicles purchased through Dealerships or vehicles that are financed through out-of-state banks, credit unions, or individual parties.
- Application for Title & Registration Must be completed in full, in ink.
- The residence address MUST be a physical location (street, milepost, building and room number, etc.)
- If you are making payments on the vehicle to a financial institution, business or individual, you must enter their name and mailing address in the lienholder section. Be sure this information matches the MCO or title. The Alaska title will be mailed directly to the lienholder, if applicable.
- Original Title or Original Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin (MCO)
- Odometer Reading signed by the seller and buyer. Needed for motor vehicles under 12,000 pounds and less than 10 years old. The current odometer reading must be on the previous title or MCO. If either the buyer or seller has not attested to the odometer reading, a separate Odometer Disclosure is required.
- Registration fees
- See Registration and Tax Chart, AND
- Title $15.00, AND
- Lien recording $15.00, if applicable
- Lien release if a lien is showing on the original title or MCO and has been paid off but is not signed off, in ink, on the ownership document. Statements with a "paid" stamp are unacceptable. A lien release is required when a title has a lienholder on it and you are requesting an Alaska title, regardless of whether the lien has been paid or not. You may obtain a letter from the lienholder stating that the lien release is conditional on placing a new lien on the Alaska title. The lien release letter must have the year, make, and VIN of the vehicle.
- Notarized Power of Attorney (For all transactions when a person signed on behalf of the vehicle owner, including LEASED vehicles, using a power of attorney.
- Recommended for other transactions, just in case there is a problem with the paperwork.
- If purchased overseas, Alaska may only title and register vehicles that have legally entered the US. May include:
- Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin or foreign ownership documents, without MCO, the vehicle needs to be in Alaska at the time of application.
- An original bill of sale, assigned title, or comparable document evidencing a transfer of ownership to the applicant.
- Documents evidencing legal entry into the U.S. (Customs will assure that the vehicle meets EPA and DOT requirements for highway use.) or a letter from the manufacturer stating that the vehicle meets EPA and DOT requirements for highway use.
- To contact US Customs in Alaska call (907) 271-6309 Select #4 to speak to a CBP agent
- A completed VIN Inspection (Form 811) which is free at a state DMV office.
Stationed Outside Alaska
If you are active duty military stationed outside of Alaska on military orders and maintain your Alaska residency, you may renew your vehicle registration in Alaska and use your mailing and residence address where you are stationed.
Keep your address updated and renew online here.
Alaska National Guard
An Alaska resident who is a current member of the Alaska National Guard is entitled to one non-commercial free vehicle registration. You may apply online here through DMV Online Services.
- The vehicle must be titled in the name of the Alaska National Guard member.
- Must be for a non-commercial vehicle of any year
- Cannot have more than one vehicle registered under this exemption.
- Complete a V1 application signed by the eligible individual.
- The Applicant must also provide one of the following:
- VMPF (virtual Military Personnel Flight) for Air National Guard issued within last 30 days showing Name and Unit.
- Soldier Record Brief (SRB) or Officer Record Brief (ORB) issued within last 30 days. Must list service location as AK and command as National Guard.
- National Guard memorandum of record indicating current Alaska National Guard Service issued within the last 30 days signed by unit personnel or commanding officer.
You must reapply for this every renewal while eligible.
Military Exemption (Residents of other States Stationed in Alaska)
If you are active duty military stationed in Alaska on military orders and maintain your residency in another state, you are not required to transfer your title or registration to Alaska. You may retain the registration in the state you are a resident of, according to the Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA) - 50 U.S.C. App. §§501-597b1
If you choose to register your vehicle while it is in Alaska, you may apply online here through DMV Online Services.
- Completed and signed V1 application
- Provide your LES, dated in the last 90 days, showing state taxes to another state other than Alaska
- You will only pay the state registration fee
- You will be exempt from the community registration tax
- May not have an Alaska CDL
We will email you an electronic invoice for the fee, which you may pay online.