The Customs Territory of the United States is defined as the 50 states, District of Columbia and US Territories.
Foreign vehicles may be imported to the US if built to meet U.S. safety and emission standards. To be imported, in accordance with 2AAC 92.070, they must be given customs and importation documents by US Customs and Border Protection (CPB). Trailers weighing less than 1,000lbs as evidenced by either a weight slip, registration or title/MCO do not require customs and importation documents.
If you purchased a vehicle overseas and intend to bring a vehicle into Alaska, you must obtain documents from U.S. Customs before you can title and register your vehicle in Alaska. The vehicle must be manufactured to federal motor vehicle safety and environmental standards. The vehicle must be in Alaska on the date of application per AS 28.10.201 unless you are an Alaska resident providing an MCO.
Vehicles purchased through overseas military sales programs do not require customs documents and are tilted and registered normally. These programs or organizations take many different names depending on the region or branch of military. Check with the DMV to be sure at doa.dmv.webmaster@alaska.
Be aware that a vehicle may not be eligible for title and registration even if it is over 25 years old.
The DMV still requires that a vehicle manufactured after 1981 meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards per 2 AAC 92.020(a)(2)(A-B) (2) the vehicle model year is 1981 or newer, and (A) the vehicle lacks the permanently fixed label or tag that is required under 49 C.F.R. Part 567 and that states that the vehicle conforms to all applicable United States Department of Transportation federal motor vehicle safety standards in effect on the date of manufacture; and (B) the applicant fails to provide a letter from the vehicle manufacturer that states that the vehicle conforms to all applicable United States Department of Transportation federal motor vehicle safety standards in effect on the date of manufacture and that the vehicle was manufactured for highway use.
Documents Required
The following documents are required to title a foreign vehicle in Alaska:
- Manufacturer's Certificate (MCO) of Origin (original owner) or foreign ownership documents. A US Army Europe (USAREUR) or other military region registration is not proof of ownership.
- If the vehicle doesn't have an MCO, then the vehicle must be physically in Alaska
- An original bill of sale, assigned title, or comparable document evidencing a transfer of ownership to the applicant.
- Documents evidencing legal entry into the US called the Entry Summary and EPA/DOT document. US Customs in Alaska may be reached at 907-271-6309.
- Customs will assure that the vehicle meets EPA and DOT requirements for highway use, OR
- a letter from the manufacturer stating that the vehicle meets EPA and DOT requirements for highway use.
- A completed Vehicle Transaction Application (Form V1) signed by the applicant.
- A completed VIN Inspection (Form 811) in Alaska by a DMV representative or an Alaska police officer or State Trooper. This is free at a state DMV office.
Foreign Military Member’s Vehicles
A vehicle owned and operated by active duty foreign military personnel, in this state for one year or less, and who does not sell that person's vehicle in the United States, can be registered here without being considered an imported vehicle.
If you have further questions on what is required to title and register your vehicle, please Contact Us.