As an Alaska resident when you purchase a vehicle, you are required to transfer the vehicle into your name within 30 days of the date of sale by obtaining an Alaska title.

We will issue titles for passenger vehicles, trucks, buses, vans, motorhomes, manufactured homes, motorcycles and trailers. We do not title or register camper shells.

Please follow the New Vehicle Titles procedure. You will also use this procedure when:

  • You transfer ownership of a vehicle from another state
  • You change the conjunction on an Alaska title

If you are buying a used car you should use a title search. https://www.vehiclehistory.gov/nmvtis_vehiclehistory.html

Other Title Procedures

There are different procedures, if you need to change a title for the following reasons:

  • If you wish to add or remove an owner on an Alaska title, please visit: Name Change
  • If you purchase a vehicle while outside Alaska follow new vehicle title procedures and mail documents to DMV Headquarters in Anchorage.

State of Alaska DMV
ATTN: Correspondence
4001 Ingra Street, Ste 101
Anchorage AK 99503

If you are unsure of the fee, you do not have to send any money. We can email you an electronic invoice for the fee.

Manufactured Homes

A Manufactured Home (also known as mobile homes ) is a structure 8 feet or more in width or 40 feet or more in length or 320 square feet or more when erected and is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to required utilities. The term includes a structure that meets all of the requirements of this paragraph except the size requirements and with respect to which the manufacturer voluntarily files a certification required by the United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and complies with the standards established under

42 U.S.C. [AS 45.29.102(a)(65)]

Manufactured Homes are Titled but not Registered in Alaska. They may also be affixed to legal property. The MANUFACTURED HOME APPLICATION FORM 870  must be completed for any manufactured home transaction. Titling fees are $100. Lien fees when applicable are an additional $15.

Other Procedures

If you do not have a Title or Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin (MCO), you may need to have a vehicle inspector complete Verification of Vehicle (Form 811) which are free at a state DMV office.

Boats may or may not need to be titled or registered. See our Boat Information section for more info.

ATVs and snowmachines do not require titles. If the vehicle you are titling also requires registration, please also visit, please visit Registration Information.

We are here to assist you. Feel free to reach out.